The Miranda Jean Rinn Memorial Mini Sessions are here! Traveling to Douglas, Wyoming every year for such a great cause always has me looking forward to seeing familiar faces! After the loss of their sweet baby, Miranda, the Rinn Family decided they wanted to give back to their community after there endless amount of love and support they received. The funds donated will be provided to families who are facing mounting financial burdens because of their children’s special medical needs. I can't thank the Rinn Family enough for the amazing opportunity to help make a difference! They have the biggest hearts, and I forever send you my thoughts and prayers. You are a huge help to those in need, and forever appreciated.
A photography donation of 50% of the proceeds will be given to the Miranda Jean Rinn Memorial. There are only few limited times left available. This only happens once a year, so don't miss your chance to help a generous cause (all while documenting your gorgeous family)! Contact Miranda L. Sober Photography at for details and booking!
If you wish to simply make a donation:
Miranda Jean Memorial Fund c/o Converse County Bank Drawer 689 Douglas, WY 82633 307-358-5300 - Converse County Bank 307-359-3381 - Jennifer Rinn